

PM2 is a process manager for Node.js applications that allows you to manage and monitor your applications easily. It also provides a way to keep your Node.js applications running in the background even after you log out from your server.

To use PM2 to run the Framework application, follow these steps:

  1. Install PM2 globally on your server using the following command:

    npm install -g pm2
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your Framework application.

  3. Start the application using the following command:

    pm2 start yarn --name "framework" -- run start

    This command starts the application using Yarn, with the name "framework". The --name flag is optional and allows you to give a custom name to the process.

  4. Verify that the application is running using the following command:

    pm2 list

    This command lists all the processes managed by PM2.

  5. You can stop the application using the following command:

    pm2 stop framework

    This command stops the process with the name "framework". You can replace "framework" with the name of your custom process if you used a different name.

  6. To restart the application, use the following command:

    pm2 restart framework

    This command restarts the process with the name "framework".

  7. To monitor the application, use the following command:

    pm2 monit

    This command provides a real-time monitoring dashboard for all the processes managed by PM2.

  8. To view the logs of the application, use the following command:

    pm2 logs framework

    This command shows the logs of the process with the name "framework". You can replace "framework" with the name of your custom process if you used a different name.

That's it! You can now use PM2 to manage and monitor your Framework application.
